The unannounced Huawei Nova 4 was shown off on stage at a concert in China. The device appears to have a display similar to Samsung’s new Infinity-O display. If manufacturers start using these displays, we might see the notch go away for good. Notch haters, rejoice! The upcoming Huawei Nova 4 was just shown off at a concert in China (via, and it appears to have a display that will help usher in our notch-less future. As you can see in the images, the display on the unannounced Nova 4 features a small camera cutout on the top-left corner of the screen. This leaves room for almost a full status bar at the top of the phone, albeit one that starts slightly to the right of the front-facing camera. For those folks who have an extreme dislike for the notch, this is exciting news. Popularized by the iPhone X, the notch has been the most controversial smartphone design decision in the last year. I don’t know many people who like display notches — most people just put up with them. RelatedThis could be our first look at a Samsung Infinity-O display At its recent developer conference, Samsung teased several new notch styles that it is working on for future devices. A slide presented during the keynote showed silhouettes of four phones with the new screens, labeled … We could see more smartphone manufacturers adopt these new displays going forward. Not only is Huawei clearly testing them out, Samsung recently announced a new Infinity-O display that utilizes the same concept seen on the Nova 4. In fact, the Galaxy S10 is rumored to feature an Infinity-O display. Aside from the new display, the Huawei Nova 4 looks to feature very minimal bezel around the screen. It also looks like it’s wrapped in a case, so we’re unable to tell many other design features. If you’d like closer look at the phone, skip to roughly the 35:30 mark in this video. Thoughts on this new display? Would you be happy if OEMs ditched the notch and instead used these screens? I sure would be. Next: Samsung Galaxy S10: All the rumors in one place
date: Wed, 28 Nov 2018 20:19:17 +0000
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