Twitter adds support for Android Oreo Notification Channels

An often-overlooked feature in Android Oreo is Notification Channels. This allows users to customize different categories of app notifications. For example, maybe in a messaging app, you want notifications for personal chats but not for group chats. Some apps already have options like this, but Notification Channels allow you to control them at the system level. Twitter added support for channels a while ago. You can control everything from Direct Messages to Followers to Emergency Alerts. The problem is the feature isn’t working correctly right now. If you toggle off one of the categories in the channels menu it doesn’t toggle it off in the app. Twitter still needs to clean things up a bit, but it’s nice to see a major app support a new Oreo feature. Google Play – Twitter[via android police]

date: Mon, 22 Jan 2018 21:06:10 +0000
