OnePlus confirms it suffered a cyber attack affecting 40,000 customers

OnePlus has been pretty good about dodging much controversy after the company moved away from the debacle that was the invite system. However, with there being so many different hacks through various websites, it was bound to happen to OnePlus at some point in time. Earlier this week, the company halted all credit card sales after reports surfaced a potential hack on the servers. Today, OnePlus began sending emails out to those who have recently purchased a device through the online storefront stating that they were, in fact, breached. The breach has affected at least 40,000 customers, and emails are being sent out confirming this to potentially affected parties. The email states that the full credit card number, expiration date, and security code were all affected. This means that if you have received this email, you’ll likely need to get that credit card replaced in an effort to keep the bad guys from racking up charges. In the meantime, OnePlus has still left its credit card payment option as unavailable to be used. However, you can use payment services such as PayPal through the online storefront if you really can’t wait to get your hands on a OnePlus 5T or OnePlus merchandise. Be sure to let us know in the comments if you have received one of these emails, and whether this will affect your decision to purchase from OnePlus in the future.

date: Fri, 19 Jan 2018 18:12:15 +0000
