Huawei will integrate Android Messages to offer better RCS messaging

Google and Huawei have announced a new partnership which will bring Android Messages to owners of Huawei devices. Of course, adding another new app is nothing earth-shattering, but the real reason comes down to RCS Messaging. You may remember that Google updated its standard ‘Messenger’ application to ‘Android Messages’ almost a year ago. The move wasn’t intended to just add another messaging app onto the Play Store, but instead to help push RCS Messaging further in its development. With Android Messages and RCS messaging, Huawei devices will now offer a richer native messaging and communications experience.  For the uninitiated, RCS Messaging is Android’s attempt at a more seamless SMS experience, similar what iMessage offers for iOS users. This includes features such as texting over Wi-Fi, group chats (that actually work properly), and even “typing indicators”. While this move has been announced today, Google has stated that Huawei will begin integrating Android Messages “across their portfolio in the coming months”. This just means that you won’t start seeing these changes right away, as Huawei has to now build Android Messages into its software development process. Let us know what you think about the move and if you think a partnership with Google will help Huawei continue its push into the US.

date: Thu, 18 Jan 2018 16:21:42 +0000
