Dish set-top boxes will soon work with Google Assistant

CES this year has been a little lackluster, but this has been a great week for Google Assistant. We’ve seen smart displays with Assistant and now TVs are about to get a lot smarter, too. Dish is promising to add Google Assistant control to the Hopper DVR, Joey client, and Wally receiver. You’ll be able to use your voice to control the set-top box. Google Assistant will not be built-in to the boxes themselves. You’ll still have to use your phone or a Google Home device for the commands. Below is a list of commands that will be supported. Dish didn’t get a specific timeframe for this feature. They said will be ve available in the “coming months.” Dish already supports Amazon Alexa, so soon you won’t have to choose one or the other.  “Change channel to ESPN” “Tune to channel 130” “Go to the History Channel” “Find the Big Bang Theory” “Search for Game of Thrones” “Search for home improvement shows” “Show me Tom Hanks movies” “Play This is Us” “Skip forward” “Rewind 30 seconds” “Pause” “Resume”

date: Wed, 10 Jan 2018 20:34:08 +0000
