Grab a year of PlayStation Plus for less than $3.50 monthly!
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Amazon currently has the PlayStation Plus 1-year subscription card on sale for $39.99. This item usually sells for $59.99.
You can also currently save $50 on the PS4 Pro and $100 on PSVR starting today!
PlayStation Plus is Sony's online service for its gaming consoles. With your subscription, you can begin to team up and talk with thousands of other gamers via the multi-player modes within PlayStation games. PlayStation Plus also provides its subscribers with two free games (per console, so 6 total) each month, with titles coming from both unknown studios and major ones.
My personal favorite benefit of PlayStation Plus is the added discount on PlayStation's digital store. Even when there's a big sale going on for everyone, PS Plus subscribers get a bonus discount on top of the sale which can lead to some pretty great deals. If you have no qualms stopping you from going digital with your games, the subscription card is a great way to save money in the future if you continue to take advantage of the discount provided.
PlayStation Plus members get access to free games every month, too. If you don't have time to get to the new games this month, whether it be because you're busy with work or busy dying a thousand times in Crash Bandicoot, you can click "buy" on them now and have access to play them for as long as your PlayStation Plus membership continues.
By the way, did you hear that PlayStation trophies can earn you money now?
What makes this deal worth considering? - This is an awesome $20 discount off what you'd pay normally for Plus! That's like paying $3.33 monthly.
Things to know before you buy! - December's free PS Plus games are now available!
See at Amazon
Happy Thrifting!
date: Sun, 10 Dec 2017 16:09:00 +0000
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