It seems as though nothing Google launched on October 4th has arrived without its fair share of issues. Shortly after the Google Home Mini arrived on consumers doorsteps, it was discovered the cloth laid over the top of the unit was making the device listen 24/7. After that, Google made it so the Google Home Mini is voice-activated only. Now a new report on reddit has highlighted an issue some Home Mini users are having when playing certain songs at a high volume. The crash appears five to ten seconds after the song starts playing and only when the Google Home Mini itself is at its maximum volume setting. The issue was also reported on Google’s Product Forums, where the company responded asking for more details. Our team would like to investigate this further. Below are a couple things we’ll need from you. Please recreate the issue then immediately submit feedback report from the Google Home app and include the following information in the description: The keyword: “GHT3 – Google Home Mini reboot at high volume”. Brief detailed description of the exact events you’re experiencing. Be sure to check the box for Include screenshot and logs Google also notes that you should only be using the included power cable that came with the Google Home Mini instead of any other cord you may have had lying around the house. Have you experienced this issue with your Home Mini unit? Someone on the Product Forums says they returned theirs to Best Buy only to get a replacement that did the same thing.
date: Thu, 30 Nov 2017 23:42:35 +0000
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