Google Home Mini crashing while playing loud music, Google now investigating

Thanks to some special offers and giveaways, the Google Home Mini should have found itself populating a fair few homes lately. Google’s diminutive digital assistant can help organize your life and answer queries, but it’s also a serviceable music playing device, with Play Music, Spotify and Pandora integration. Some Google Home Mini users have had trouble with regards to music recently, however, as the device has been suffering from crashes and restarts after being played at high volumes. Apparently, this isn’t some sort of neighbour protection mode but an actual bug. The issue has been pointed out in comments on the Google Product Forums and Reddit (via Android Police), though why it’s occurring isn’t clear. It’s not uncommon for speakers to cut out at high-levels, however, so it’s seemingly a power-related problem. Editor's PickPixel 2 XL + Google Home Mini International Giveaway!Welcome to the Sunday Giveaway, the place where we giveaway a new Android phone each and every Sunday! A big congratulations to last week’s winner of the OnePlus 5T International Giveaway: Mrigank P. (Australia). This week we are giving … It’s also not exactly clear which songs cause this, or at what volumes, but might I recommend cranking up Burnt Palms by Blacklisted if you want to give it a little test? Meanwhile, the Google Home Mini (and Google Home) have been the subject of s0me good news this week when it was discovered that they can now respond to two voice commands at once. Google has already responded to the Home Mini crash testimonies in the Product Forums and requested that users submit a feedback report to help it address the problem. This means that a fix should be on its way, but whether you’ll wait a matter of weeks or several months for this remains to be seen.

date: Fri, 01 Dec 2017 12:52:53 +0000
