Get a glimpse of the Xiaomi Redmi 5/5 Plus for their official launch

Donovan Sung (Twitter) Xiaomi is unveiling the Redmi 5 and Redmi 5 Plus in China on Thursday. But, before the phones get their official launch, they were shared on Twitter for our viewing pleasure. The pictures come from Xiaomi Global Spokesperson Donovan Sung. Even though we don’t have any specs or prices yet, we are getting a good look at the redesigned Redmi lineup. This year, customers will be getting new 18:9 displays and slim bezels like most flagship phones from 2017. One of the defining elements of the Redmi lineup is its price. Redmi phones are popular in markets like India and China because they can be had for about $100 USD. In fact, this year’s Redmi 4, Redmi 4A, and Redmi Note 4 propelled Xiaomi to match Samsung as the top seller in India due to the combination of price, compelling design, and decent specs. Xiaomi appears to be continuing with that strategy and released an even cheaper Xiaomi Redmi 5A last month. See also: Xiaomi announces its third manufacturing facility in India From the pictures, we can tell that the phones have a metal design, rear fingerprint sensor, and that 18:9 display with slim side bezels. The Redmi series appears to house a single rear camera, but for only $100, you can’t expect dual cameras here. Combining flagship design elements while keeping the price down should make the Xiaomi Redmi 5 and Redmi 5 Plus popular options again this year. What do you think of the Xiaomi Redmi 5 and Redmi 5 Plus? Let us know down in the comments.

date: Mon, 04 Dec 2017 17:51:25 +0000
